Best Paper Award for Identifying Code Smells with Multiple Concern Views in the XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, 2010
Best Tool Award for SourceMiner: An Eclipse-Based Visualization Tool for Software Comprehension" in the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Unicamp, São Paulo - Brazil, 2008
Full Papers
- Fernandes, J. M. ; Carneiro, G. Estrategias e Perfis de Programadores Iniciantes na Identificacao de Anomalias de Modularidade de Software. Workshop de Manutencao de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2012), 2012, Fortaleza/CE. IX Workshop de Manutencao de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2012), 2012.
- Novais, R. ; Carneiro, G.; Mendonca Neto, M. G. On the Use of Software Visualization to Analyze Software Evolution - An Interactive Differential Approach. In: 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2011), 2011, Beijing. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2011), 2011. v. 3. p. 15-24.
- Fernandes, J. M. ; Carneiro, G., Mendonca Neto, M. G. Estrategias Adotadas por Programadores Iniciantes na Identificacao de Anomalias de Modularidade: Um Estudo Inicial. Workshop de Manutencao de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2011), 2011, Curitiba/PR. VIII Workshop de Manutencao de Software Moderna (WMSWM 2011), 2011.
- Novais, R. ; Lima, C.; Carneiro, G., Simoes Jr, P.; Mendonca Neto, M. G. An Interactive Differential and Temporal Approach to Visually Analyze Software Evolution. In: 6th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis. Williamsburg. 6th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, 2011. p. 1-8.
- Carneiro, Glauco de F.; Silva, M., Mara, L., Figueiredo, E., Sant´Anna, C. N.; Garcia, A. F.; Mendonça, M. G. Identifying Code Smells with Multiple Concern Views. Proceedings of the CBSOFT-SBES 2010. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Acceptance rate: 20%.
- Carneiro, Glauco de F.; Sant´Anna, C. N.; Mendonça, M. G. On the Design of a Multi-Perspective Visualization Environment to Enhance Software Comprehension Activities. Proceedings of the VII Workshop on Modern Software Maintenance (WMSWM 2010), Co-located with SBQS, 2010. Belém, Pará - Brazil.
- Carneiro, Glauco de F.; Sant´Anna, C. N.; Garcia, A. F.; Chavez, C. von F. G.; Mendonça, M. G. On the Use of Software Visualization to Support Concern Modularization Analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques (ACoM 09), Co-located with OOPSLA, 2009. Disney's Contemporary Resort Orlando, Florida - USA.
- Carneiro, G. F.; Mendonça Neto, M. G. The Importance of Cognitive and Usability Elements in Designing Software Visualization Tools. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Conference, 2008. Lancaster University, UK. ISBN: 978-1-86220-215-3.
- Carneiro, G. F.; Orrico, A.; Mendonça Neto, M. G.. Empirically Evaluating the Usefulness of Software Visualization Techniques in Program Comprehension Activities. In: the Proceedings of VI Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2007, Lima, Peru. Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2007. ISBN: 78-9972-2885-1-7.
Short Papers
- Carneiro, Glauco de F.; Magnavita, Rodrigo; Mendonça, M. G. An Experimental Platform to Characterize Software Comprehension Supported by Visualization. In: International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Research Demo Poster Session, 2009, Vancouver, BC - Canada. Proceeedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 2009. v. 1. p. 441-442.
- Carneiro, G. F.; Magnavita, R.; Spínola. E.; Spínola, F.; Mendonça Neto, M. G. Evaluating the Usefulness of Software Visualization in Supporting Software Comprehension Activities. In: 2th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), 2008, Kaiserslautern - Germany. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2008.
- Carneiro, G. F.; Magnavita, R.; Mendonça Neto, M. G.. Combining Software Visualization Paradigms to Support Software Comprehension Activities. In: ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, 2008, Herrsching, Germany. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, 2008. ACM ISBN: 978-1- 60558-112-5.
Tool Sessions
- Carneiro, Glauco de F. ; Nunes, A. S. ; Junior, P.R.M.S. . An Eclipse-Based Multi-Perspective Environment to Visualize Software Coupling. In: Brazilian Software Conference (CBSoft) Tools Session, 2010. Salvador - Bahia.
- Carneiro, Glauco de F.; Magnavita, R; Mendonça, M. G. Proposing a Visual Approach to Support the Characterization of Software Comprehension Activities. In: IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension Tool Demonstration Session, 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, 2009. v. 1. p. 291- 292.
- Carneiro, G. F; Magnavita, R.; Spínola. E.; Spínola, F.; Mendonça Neto, M. G. An Eclipse-Based Visualization Tool for Software Comprehension. In in the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Unicamp, São Paulo - Brazil, 2008
Doctoral Symposiums
- Carneiro, Glauco de F. Using Visual Metaphors to Enhance Software Comprehension Activities. Talk at the International Summer School on Software Engineering at University of Salerno, Italy. 26th September, 2007.
- Carneiro, Glauco de F. Using Visual Metaphors Based on Metrics and Heuristics to Enhance Software Comprehension Activities. In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, Madrid- Spain, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-690-7340-7